Fast Combatants
FPB - 68 Fast Patrol Boat
LPC - 65 Large Patrol Craft (ASuW, ASW, AAW)
Designed to undertake surveillance/reconnaissance-patrol duties, to perform surface warfare, air defense warfare, anti submarine warfare and functions to prevent illegal activities in littorial waters of exclusive economic zones with highly reliable survivability platform.
LPC - 65 Large Patrol Craft (ASuW, AAW)
Designed to undertake surveillance/reconnaissance-patrol duties, to perform surface warfare and functions to prevent illegal activities in littorial waters of exclusive economic zones with highly reliable survivability platform.
LPC - 65 Large Patrol Craft (ASuW)
Designed to undertake surveillance/reconnaissance-patrol duties, to perform surface warfare and functions to prevent illegal activities in littorial waters of exclusive economic zones with highly reliable survivability platform.
GMFPB - 60 Guided Missile Fast Patrol Boat
Designed to meet the high speed, sea keeping and maneuverability requirements for defensive and offensive operations in littoral waters. With her special hull design and propulsion system, able to speed up to 54 knots at Sea State 4 with unlimited operation capability.
FPB - 57 Fast Patrol Boat
CPV - 56 Coastal Patrol Vessel
FAB - 56 Fast Attack Boat
Guided Missile Fast Attack Boat is a mono-hull vessel designed to perform surface rescue, humanitarian aid, counter piracy, surveillance and support missions even at high sea conditions.
FAC - 45 Fast Attack Craft
Designed to meet the high speed, sea keeping and maneuverability requirements for defensive and offensive operations in littoral waters.
RPV - 42 Riverine Patrol Vessel
FAC - 40 Fast Attack Craft
FAC - 33 Fast Attack Craft